Socialize, Exercise & Stimulate
Group dog walks allow your pup to socialize with four legged friends from the neighborhood. Our packs consist of no more than 4 dogs, guaranteeing that your dog will be given specialized attention.
We pick up your pup and take in all the sights and sniffs of San Francisco!
Packages and Rates for Group Dog Walks
Weekly Subscription
Our Weekly Subscription is a Premium Service designed to provide maximum flexibility and accommodate changes to your schedule. Your dog(s) will be put on a weekly recurring schedule so they’ll never miss a walk. You can switch between our 3-5 day/ week packages and request cancellations directly in the Time To Pet App.
As Needed Walks
If you are not in need of a Subscription to our service, but you'd like to have someone on hand for those times when you have a last-minute meeting come up, we'd love to help! You can request walks directly in the Time To Pet app. You will be notified when your request has been approved and see who will walk your pup that day.
*All new customers require a one-time New Client fee.
*Note: As Needed walks are not a subscription service and are subject to availability. If you need a regular walking schedule, please review our weekly subscription option.
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